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So October went by without any posts.

I told myself I wouldn't let this blog die under me hands but I still did. Now to breathe some life back into it again...

Been pretty busy with lots and lots of tests. Exams are just 2 weeks away. Even after 12 years under the Singapore education system, I still feel the same gut-wrenching, stomach-twisting, nerve-wrecking, head-spinning feeling that always swallows me up whenever the final exams are near. There's really no room for error this time. I went to see the school's doctor (MD) today for a throat infection and so I got some anxiety pills from him.

Anyway, I'm a programmer for next year's SPMS (the school i'm in) Freshman Orientation Camp (FOC)! Totally psyched about this cos I get to plan stuff that'll make the future freshies' (slang for freshmen) lives even more miserable than it already is. It'll be fun fun fun.

Physics test tomorrow. Organic chem the following day. Guess this will be the only post for the month.


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