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I always wanted to use this as a title. Even though it's totally clichéd. lol.
Now that it's the last day of September, I can finally use it.
I like the song too. Really nostalgic.

Anyway, it's October in less than 2 hours. And it's Children's Day in Singapore tomorrow. I still remember the good times I had in primary school when my teachers prepared little gifts like pencils and erasers for the class. That was nearly 14 years ago (THAT long?). Nowadays, children are getting bolder and bolder, even requesting gifts automatically when special occasions like Children's Day or Christmas arrive. I know this because my mom, who'd been a childcare teacher, told me that the toddlers under her care demanded presents from her and requested expensive gifts like action figures, electronic games and Barbie dolls.

Anyway, October's not exactly a month that I would look forward to. Besides two public holidays on Hari Raya Puasa (where most of the day will be spent on studying for the physics test the following day) and Deepavali, October's gonna be rather boring and slow-moving. Nothing exciting like the Olympics in August and F1 in September. It's gonna be a long month.

Oh well... there's always Heroes to keep me going =)

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