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Left 4 Dead

I left this blog to die.
I'm wondering why the counter's still receiving hits.
But, like Ned from Pushing Daisies, I'm gonna bring this blog back to life.
Just a side note: Pushing Daisies will be cancelled soon =(

So... my exams are finally over (for this semester)!!! But I'm not expecting any good results. Everything seems so uncertain. The difficulty of the exam papers were all stepped up a notch from the previous years. But I only have myself to blame if I don't get the results I want.

But all these worrying about exams and stuff seem so unimportant and redundant when life's at stake. I'm talking about the Singaporean lawyer, Lo Hwei Yan, who became the first from our country to die in a terror attack, more specifically the recent terror bombings in Mumbai, India. I can hardly imagine what it must have been like for her or her family during those precious seconds when she was allowed to communicate with her family. It must have been devastating to be given hope of survival then have it swiped like a mat from under your feet. My dad is a frequent traveller too and my sis is on a long-term job posting in a distant land. I only hope that they'll be safe wherever they go and return home unscathed.

Amidst all the actual turmoil that's taking place around the world, there are actually people who kill each other for toys, or trample over Wal-Mart employees while picking out christmas gifts. It's a sad world out there. Whatever happened to the spirit of giving?

It's about a month till I get to have my own room. I can't wait =D I've placed an order for my bed, desk and wardrobe and they're gonna look great in my room. I'll post a few pics of my room when it's ready ;)

It's clobbering time!

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