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I ran the Nike Human Race today with Natalie, Andrea and Alvin today.

Here's what you get when Comex 2008 (Last Day) and Nike Human Race are both situated near City Hall MRT station...

The MRT public announcement system was like going...
"The station is crowded. Please leave the station if you are not taking the train."
Repeated like 10 times yet the crowd stayed put. I was one of those people who didn't budge. lol.

Here's a pic at the start line. When the race started, we were so far behind that we took like 10 minutes to reach the actual start line. lol.

We finished the 10K in like 2 hours. hahaha. Reason being we jogged the first 2K and then walked the rest. And the route wasn't really built for 10,000 people. Very squeezy in the beginning and we were crossing paths with each other.

So at the end of the race we were given this finisher's bracelet which I haven't figured out how to wear yet. Hmmm...

Wake me up when September starts...

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