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Finally awake.

Wha.. WHAT??!! It's September 8th already?! Guess I overslept a wee bit more than I should.

I hope no one else fell asleep with the blog. I realised this blog ain't as frequently updated as before. But I'll try to update it as much as possible when time allows me. Then again, I wonder if there are any readers out there.

Lots of tests coming up which include my mid-terms. And I have to practically ace every single one of those tests or I wouldn't be able to catch up with the rest.


Yesterday was the launch of Spore at Funan the IT Mall. I've been wanting to play this game for ages, nearly a year. It's like the awesomest game right after The Sims. (Yeah. Control freak spotted. lol) But now that I'm in uni I know I shouldn't be playing any computer games. But the temptation to buy the game was really REALLY strong. So I went to Funan yesterday...

...and came back without the game. =(

So I didn't give in to my temptation. But I had a good time having lunch with my parents. We had Nasi Padang. Freaking expensive. 6 bucks per plate!! I only ordered hot dogs, beancurd and beansprouts with pineapple rice. It wasn't even nice. And the stall owner squashed one of my beansprouts with his stubby fingers while holding the plate. So a warning to all you people out there: DO NOT buy food from the Nasi Padang stall (next to prata stall) at the food court at Funan Centre, unless you use scented toilet paper that costs like 5 bucks per roll. But if you had that kind of money, you probably wouldn't be eating at a food court.

Yawn. Time to sleep again.

Wake me up when September ends.

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