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My parents were lucky enough to get Singtel's July sweet treats which I helped them to register for =) The sweet treat....

Burger King BK Fish Meal (worth $6.30) for just $1.00!!! x 2

So mom and I decided to head down to Arena Country Club to lunch at the Burger King outlet there. It's the country club with a pathetic golf putting range right opposite the entrance of SAFTI. It's a really nice outlet they have there, it's just the presence of these irksome people in uniforms that totally ruins the ambience they have there... if you get what I mean.

Anyway, I had a BK Fish meal which consists of a Fish burger, Medium Fries and Coke. The BK Fish burger had like corn crumbs on the bread and the fish, though very fresh, was kinda tasteless even though I smothered the burger with 2 packets of chilli sauce. I would have chosen BK Chicken if not for the sweet treat deal... Oh well, it's a great bargain for just $1.00 anyhow.

Here are some photos which I snapped with my Nokia E51 phone. Not so great quality, but it wasn't meant to be a good camera phone anyway.


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