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I was on the rooftop of a huge white house. I was standing just along the corridor when I saw a blue fuzzy image moving speedily across the rooftop. At first glance, I thought it was a Lynx or maybe even cookie monster on steroids, but as I drew closer I was surprised to see a donkey-like creature waving a kind of stick and murmuring to himself. After further observation, I realised that the blue fuzzy image was in fact a wizard in a blue Llama costume waving his wand and murmuring some incantations.

Just then, the blue Llama started picking up speed towards my direction.

My first instinct was to make a dash for it. I ran towards the other end of the rooftop and arrived at a flight of spiral staircase. I descended the stairs quickly and burst through the door at the end of the stairs. What was waiting at the other side of the door caught me by surprise. I saw a video camera on the right and I almost slammed into a small TV set that was placed just beside a wooden bench on the left. I stopped short and saw myself on TV. The Sheng Shiong Show was on.

And the contestant got the right answer for guessing that I would run upon seeing the Blue Llama. o.O

OK... that didn't happen. But I did dream about it. It's one of those dreams I can remember vividly yet make no heads or tails about. Maybe I've been thinking too much Harry Potter. But a wizard in a Llama suit?! That's just weird. If there's anyone out there who can interpret dreams and know what my dream is about... please tell me by dropping me a minidoopz =)

1 minidoopz:

  1. HUIJUIN. said...

    HELLO! first comment from the-girl-you-live-to-bully. what a weird dream! now i know i dont have the weirdest dreams x)  


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