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Matriculation Nation!

Ok... that was a lousy title. But I couldn't think of anything better.

So anyway, I did my matriculation online today and I'm now officially a student of NTU!! =D But I wasn't exactly impressed by the fact that the website stated that all new students would be able to matriculate online at 10:00am, yet I couldn't log in to my network account until about 10:20am. But I'm cool with it.

I guess.

Later in the afternoon, I went out to Jurong Point for lunch with mom and we ate Wanton Mee (云吞面) at Lai Lai Kitchen. The noodles had a nice texture to it and were pretty crunchy and had just the right amount of oil/seasoning to it.

Oh yeah, I bought a Nalgene bottle for 13 bucks. I've used Nalgene before. It's pretty good. Though I heard it was taken off the shelves at Canada or some other country for some toxicity incident. But I guess if I don't use it for hot water, it should be fine.

Because our quality may not be imitated, but it's never matched.

I posted the slogan above cos I simply like it, not advertising for them or anything.

Finally, we headed over to Harvey Norman to purchase a printer to replace the Canon i255 printer at home. It was really a good printer for 99 bucks when we bought it, but all good things don't last forever, so it finally died on us after about 5 years of loyal service. We settled on a HP Deskjet F4185 All-in-One printer which was on sale at 129 bucks before lugging it home.

Hope this one lasts long too.

1 minidoopz:

  1. Devonessence Natural Skincare said...

    Congratulations my dear bro! I'm expecting great things from you! Ordinary people with extraordinary powers.....!  


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