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House, B.P.

So I told you that we sold our house yesterday.

And now we have 5 months to find a house in Bukit Panjang (B.P.).

House, B.P. <=> House, M.D.
hahaha... get it?

... ...

Right... so anyway, the entire family (except sis) went around B.P. to find our dream home together with our property agent, Nancy. We went to like 8 different houses looking for a prospective home. Unfortunately, not a single one stood out that all of us would agree upon unanimously.

We were a little picky...

The house was too old.
The house was too dark.
The house had poor flooring.
The house was on a low level.
The house had no proper study.
The house had loud generators nearby.
The house had too many concaved walls.
The house had a roof blocking the window.
The house was too far from the bus interchange and LRT/MRT.

Ok... maybe it was more than just a 'little'... but I was the one doing most of the scrutinizing =P

Nancy's gonna have a tough time with us.

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