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Alright. I've finally created a blog. And here's my first post!!!! =) Let's start with the introductions first. Hi, I'm Kai. I'm 21 and I live in Singapore.

Next, the Frequently-Asked Questions o_O
Well... maybe not asked before... but here are some (or just 2) questions that may come to your mind.

How did you come up with "doopz"?
I don't know how I came up with the term "doopz"... but it just came into my mind and it happened to be available. So there.

Why start a blog NOW?
I know I know... blogs have been around for a pretty long time now. I'm probably one of the last people on earth who has never written a single blog entry. I guess I'm not one who likes to share my thoughts and views in an open diary thing. Actually, the real reason is that I wanna see if I can get as much traffic as possible on my blog and see if I'll ever receive a cheque from GoogleAdSense or Nuffnang. I saw an article from The Straits Times' Digital Life section talking about how certain blogs are getting paid up to $3000 per month just by placing ads on their blogs, so I thought I might give it a go. Who knows? Maybe I might just get rich through blogging... haha.

That's it for now... time to sleep.

0 minidoopz:


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