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August Rush

WOW! July's going to be over soon and August 2008 will be here before we know it! It's going to be an eventful month! It'll be the month where I'll be embarking on a four-year journey at NTU studying for a degree in Chemistry & Biological Chemistry. My sister's birthday will also fall on August 11, it's just too bad that she won't be back in Singapore any time soon since she's away in Bali.

Happy Birthday Sis!

Singapore's national day (9 August) is also arriving pretty soon, so I thought I might write a little about the country that I've lived in all 21 years of my life.

First of all, I'm sure many of you have heard of Singapore's multi-talented home-grown standup comedian / TV & Radio personality / Theatre Actor / Emcee who goes by the name of Hossan Leong. Well, last year, he sang a song titled "I Live in Singapura" in Parliament which became an instant hit among a lot of students. A short animated clip was produced by locals which made the song into a music video. I think it's damn smart and funny la. So I thought I'd share it with you guys...

Now... about the upcoming National Day celebrations. Full of new and original concepts! Maybe not... take a look at both the videos below and see if you can notice anything similar between the two =P The 1st video (Japan Ad) was produced nearly 2 years before the 2nd (Singapore NDP music video).

Happy Birthday Singapore!

August is indeed gonna be an exciting month for Singapore. Not only are we gonna be celebrating our nation's 43rd year of independence, but we'll also be rooting for Team Singapore at the Beijing Summer Olympics! A total of 25 athletes will be sent to Beijing to represent Singapore for one of the most exciting Olympics we can ever expect! I do hope they'll bring a medal back this time.

Lastly, did I mention to you that I signed up for the Nike+ Human Race 10K? It will be held on August 31 and my chosen charity is WWF. I'm hoping that I'll be fit enough to run that day, cos I have a lower back injury which hasn't entirely recovered. If not, I'll be walking that day. Hah.

By the way, I DO like living in Singapore. I'm not complaining about the country or anything. I love it all (well... almost). Freebies, Fun, Food, Friends and most importantly, Family.

And nope, I'm not going to be talking about the movie.

1 minidoopz:

  1. Devonessence Natural Skincare said...

    Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.... thanks so much bro... HUGZ!!!  


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