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Had a gathering with my new Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) friends at Sakae Japanese Restaurant after like 11 days after we knew each other.

But just before that, I met up with two very fashionable friends (Hui Juin & Chung Chi) who were also from the foc. They helped me pick out a bag to be used for school. We made original plans to go to Far East Plaza and on the way had drinks from Sweet Talk and Onion Rings from Carl's Jr. While munching on onion rings, Chung Chi mentioned an Espirit bag that might have been what I was looking for which happened to be on 50% off. I did browse through the bags at Far East, and even though there was a bag that I *quite* liked which was priced around $30, I decided to go with Chung Chi's instinct. So we made our way to Wisma Atria and I discovered the bag that he was talking about. WOW! What a bargain! It was everything that I wanted. Thank goodness I decided not to get the bag at Far East which was of inferior quality. So I got the bag at half price - $54.95. Here are some pics:

We then met up with the rest and had dinner at Sakae Restaurant at Park Mall and I ordered myself a Chicken Katsu Don À la carte. I seldom eat Japanese food but it was nice. Tasted quite good while I took small sips from the porcelain cup containing green tea.

We took up 3 tables that sat around 6 people each. Our table ordered À la carte. The table next to us ordered a Sushi Party Set, which was shared among 6 people, and one of them barely had 4 pieces of sushi. Two tables away they had the $22.90++ all-you-can-eat sushi buffet. I think everyone had a good time chatting away while we ate and waited for our very late orientation group leader Jia Qi... haha.

After footing the bill, we decided that the night was still young and so we proceeded to a nearby pub. We sat around a jacuzzi/table and had a few drinks.

Had a nice little chat with my seniors (Nat and Chris) while on the train home. We talked about accomodation, investment, planning time-tables, giving tuition, student committee stuff and everything else that was happening in school.

I had a really great time getting to know all my OG members even more through this gathering. It was a pity that a few of them couldn't make it. I hope there'll be more of such gatherings to come but I doubt it'll be anytime soon cos school's gonna be starting VERY VERY soon...

Almost too soon.

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