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(Photo taken from The Straits Times, SPH Publication)

The drawing you see above was drawn by a 10-year-old boy who had witnessed domestic violence.

I saw this disturbing picture in the papers today and I thought I'd post it here for those who didn't see it.

There's a chinese proverb that goes, "打是疼,骂是爱" [Literally: Beating is (a sign of) affection, scolding is (a sign of) love.] A saying often used by parents. Of course, these parents don't beat their children as and when they like, only when their children require some discipline. After all, spare the rod and you spoil the child.

Naturally, parents who cane their children feel even more hurt from within with every stroke that they inflict on their child. But when caning your child turns into a form of channeling your anger and stress and even becoming some sort of enjoyment, it's time to seek some counseling.

Of course, children are not the only victims of domestic violence. The elderly too, can be victims of their children. Everyone - even men - can be victims of family abuse. More and more husbands are seeking protection orders against their abusive wives.

Whatever the case, if you're a victim of domestic violence, tell someone about it. Don't suffer in silence, and don't have the notion that the abuse you're receiving is "for your own good".

I'm just thankful that I grew up in a loving family, one that didn't equate love with violence.

Wait a minute... how did I end up writing a GP essay?

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