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Now before you F1 fans out there (who didn't get a ticket) get too jealous of me, I'm just gonna say that the F1 pass above isn't mine. It was my dad's. His company gave him a free pass and he had the chance to go see the Formula One racers in action at the Marina Bay circuit in Singapore. It was only the practice session though. (Yes, you can be jealous of my dad)

I'm not an F1 fan. But I liked the pass and lanyard that they gave so I asked my dad if I could have it. Haha.

The F1 event's a real money-spinner for the organisers... Here's what a couple of drinks cost...

1 (approx. 500ml) cup of
- Mineral Water... $6.00
- Sprite... $8.00
- Beer... $10.00

I'd rather drink my own pee.

On second thought, maybe not...

0 minidoopz:


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