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Kawaii Granny

I told my cousin Roofiangz (her nick) about this on msn. After hearing what I had to say she told me that my 76-year-old grandma was "SO CUTE". By the way, Kawaii (pronounced ka-wa-ee) means "cute" in Japanese.

Just to clear things up, the lil ol' lady on the right is NOT my granny. She's just an elderly woman who needs dental care... badly.

So I was cleaning up my desk and holding a large pink plastic bag with a laptop bag inside when my grandmother asked...

Granny: 那是什么?*points to large pink plastic bag* (translation: What is that?)
Me: 哦... 书包咯... (translation: Oh... bag lor.)
Granny: 衣服买了没有?(translation: Have you bought your clothes?)
Me: Huh? 什么衣服?(translation: Huh? What clothes?)
Granny: 上学的衣服啦!(translation: Clothes for school lah!)
Me: (stunned)
Granny: 你要准备好上学的东西 lei... (translation: You must get your stuff ready for school lei...)
Me: Aiyo Granny!!! 我是上大学不是小学 la!!! 大学不用校服的... (translation: Aiyo Granny!!! I'm going to uni not primary school la!!! They don't have uniforms for uni...)
Granny: 哦... 不用校服的啊?(translation: Oh... don't need uniforms ar?)
Me: ... ...
*Mom laughs in background*

So is my granny Kawaii? It's doopz poll time!!

So I chose a pink colour template for the poll for the kawaii-ness...

Real men choose pink.


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