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I watched a section of the repeat of last night's Beijing Olympics 2008 Opening Ceremony just after I woke up this morning and for some unknown reason, 3 teardrops trickled down my eyes. It happened when I saw one of China's ex-gymnasts, Li Ning, hanging from a harness and running across the walls of the stadium before lighting up the huge Olympic cauldron. I have no idea why I was feeling so emo this morning. But somehow watching the magnificent display that China has put up really moved me. I could just imagine what it must have felt like to be one of the spectators at the Bird's Nest Stadium.

China has really outdone herself this time.

1 minidoopz:

  1. acupoftea123 said...




    Basically, what i mentioned here is that your blog is clean and simple. I really love it!

    After 4 years, london will be having their Olympics. Now, they have pressure, and beside that they are also quite worried...

    (Not in jap... i add on one...: well, they must really do something better, as this event has shown that asian countries can do so much better than western countries! Frankly speaking, I really love the grand opening where by the torch is been lit up by having a person "flew up" the sky to lit! Simply awesome!!!)  


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