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Welcome to Hogwarts!

Was supposed to meet some of my FOC friends to attend NTU's welcome ceremony today.
Meeting time: 8.30am
Meeting place: Boon Lay Bus Interchange

7:30am - Phone alarm sounds "Wake Up Call" by Maroon 5.
7:40am - Wake up. Sit on bed and stone.
7:45am - Finally get off from bed.
7:50am - Browse through newspaper.
8:00am - Drink honey. Wash up. Brush teeth. Take warm shower.
8:12am - Change into polo-T and jeans.
8:20am - Hui Juin calls to ask me, "Where are you? Still at home? You suck lah! Everyone's here already!"
8:23am - Wear shoes and head out.
8:30am - Reached meeting point.

I wasn't late!!! I was on time!!! But when I reached the interchange, I only saw like Gerard, Chin Lam, Michelle and Hui Ying waiting there. Jessica arrived next. Hui Juin and her gang consisting of Junsheng, Cindy, Yue Hong and Crystal were still having their breakfast at the outdoor food court. They only arrived at 8:45am...

So we finally made it to the school and we made our way to Nanyang Auditorium. We sat on the 3rd row from the front. (Note: Singaporean students tend to fill up the seats from the back to the front, lol)

There were goodie bags!! In the goodie bag you'll find...
1) NTU Jacket/Windbreaker
2) Torchlight for the lighting-up ceremony
3) Personal Organizer
4) Chocolate Milk
5) Lots of brochures.
There was also a plain navy blue academic robe that we were suppose to wear throughout half the ceremony. We looked like 1st year wizards and witches from Hogwarts lah! Without the hat. Haha.

So after the NTU talk, we went for the SPMS talk. Collected matriculation card. Collected another goodie bag (some highlighters, water bottle, notepad/calendar, more brochures). Attended boring talk. Tea break - had finger food. Attended another boring talk. Then...

... a group of us headed to Jurong Point for dinner at Kopitiam and to catch the movie "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" at Golden Village. I didn't like how the plot went. It was a pretty bad sequel compared to the first two movies... I shan't say more lest I spoil it for those who haven't watched it yet.

After the movie, we wanted to take a group photo. So we approached this woman in her 30s (I think) who was standing around the shopping centre to ask her to help us take the shot. But she said she didn't know how to use a camera.

So we went to another spot and approached some guy (with a kid) and he gladly took 2 shots for us. We stood around to chit-chatfor awhile before heading home. I was heading in a different direction so I said goodbye to the rest.

I was walking past the lady whom we had approached to help us with the group shot when suddenly...

Woman: 小弟! 现在是什么时间? (translation: Young man! What time is it now?)
Me: (paused for awhile, looked at watch) 九点半。(translation: Half past 9)
Woman: Huh?
Me: (stepped closer to her) 九点半。(translation: Half past 9)
Woman: 你结婚了没有?(translation: Are you married?)
Me: (stunned)
Woman: 你有没有女朋友?(translation: Do you have a girlfriend?)
Me: Ummm... 没有。
Woman: 可以跟我做朋友吗?你的电话号码是什么?(translation: Can we be friends? What's your number?)
Me: (stunned again) Ummm 对不起,我是不随便给陌生人电话号码的。(translation: Sorry, I don't give out my number to strangers.)
Woman: Oh ok... byebye.
Me: Bye.

That was just so weird!! Why would anyone ask a random stranger whether they're married or attached and then ask for their number? Obviously I didn't give her my number.

I had a wonderful day with everyone despite the terrible movie and the weird event above.

Sheesh. Freaky.

1 minidoopz:

  1. Devonessence Natural Skincare said...

    Muhahaha... I love the part about your strange woman in public. I would have loved to be there; I would be laughing my ass off.  


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