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Japan Killing Frenzy

On the news today...

Woman arrested after stabbing 7 in Japan
(link to article) 29 July 2008

Also, just recently...

77-Year-Old Grandfather Kills Entire Family with Hammer in Toyko
(link to article) 25 June 2008

Man stabs at least 18 people, killing 7 in Tokyo's Akihabara district
(link to article) 8 June 2008
Additional note: Eerily enough, this event happened exactly 6 years after the Osaka School Massacre, where a Knife-wielding man killed 8 school children. (link to article) 8 June 2001

Woman arrested for beating sister to death with rock in Yokohama
(link to article) 29 April 2008

Japan teen, inspired by his gory tale, kills family of three
(link to article) 18 January 2008

Last year...

Japan teen 'severs mother's head'
(link to article) 15 May 2007

What the hell is going on with Japan these days? What's up with all the stabbing of random strangers and chopping up your own families? Are Japanese too stressed out? Are they living too long? Are they watching too many shows which depict violence and gore (eg. some Anime)? Is it the food they eat? Or is it their culture and lifestyle?

I'm not saying that this applies to only the Japanese. I know for a fact that these kind of crimes are getting more and more common around the world. But it's a scary thought that these things can occur so often nowadays.


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