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I'm still here.

I've been constantly bugged to update my blog by some of my friends.

One threatened to remove a link to my blog from their website, while another complained that all I ever talked about on the blog is that I forgot that I have a blog.

I'm just about done with my math revision for the big math test tomorrow which carries 26% of the overall grade. Ok... maybe not about done. But I've done enough to realise that I really haven't done enough for the math test. Hooray.

In addition to the math test, I've got a presentation right after the test. We're supposed to be talking about the laws of attraction and how communication plays a role in taking the first step into a relationship. Our attire for the presentation will be formal wear! I can't imagine doing my math test in formal attire. It's gonna be quite uncomfortable.

I guess if I screw up on the math test, I can blame it on the formal wear.


On my way home today, I arrived at Jurong East MRT today and was oh-so-warmly-greeted by huge crowds of people waiting eagerly to hoard a spot on the train going towards Marina Bay. It seems more and more people are using the public transport system and ditching their cars for a cheaper ride these days. Once the train arrived, everyone from outside started squeezing their way past those who were attempting to get out of the train. Some people are just so damn inconsiderate. But that's just how it is. You don't fight your way through, you don't get on the train.

So I was walking back home after a tight sardine ride home. I was waiting at the traffic light. Across the road I saw a huge group of school children waiting for the green man to appear. It was like a stampede of wild little kids with their parents herding them towards me.

My first instinct - SIAM. (Singlish term, meaning "to avoid")

That is why if I happen to become a teacher, I'm gonna want to teach slightly more grown-up kids.


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