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The week starting tomorrow, I'll have a one week break from lectures and tutorials. But there seems to be no time to waste, lots of revision to do. Organic chem is starting to become a big headache after the introduction of organic synthesis (i.e. synthesis of 1 organic compound from another to another and so on). Physical chem is becoming more physics than chemistry and I really do hate physics. I'm now stuck on question 2 of Problem Set No. 4 of Physics (something about torque) and I kinda gave up thinking about it for now. So that's why I'm here blogging.

But I did find time to watch the pilot episode of Fringe, the new sci-fi thriller from J.J. Abrams (producer of LOST). The show's somewhat of a cross between Heroes and The X Files. It explores an area of science called Fringe Science that has to do with stuff like mind control, invisibility and reanimation. That's my kind of show. I know my sis will like it too. We share similar tastes in U.S. television series, but she gave up on LOST after realizing how long-winded it is (I haven't). Too bad she's somewhere where it would be nearly impossible to catch the series.

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